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Lycopodium Powder (Club Moss)

Lycopodium Powder

Lycopodium clavatum is an evergreen plant from which the pollen is used for many treatments in homeopathy. Referred to by many names, including wolf’s-foot clubmoss and stag’s-horn clubmoss, it has a pale yellow pollen from which lycopodium, a substance used to treat various health conditions, is derived. In medicine, lycopodium clavatum uses range from treating upset stomachs, food poisoning, kidney problems, and muscle cramps to serious conditions such as hepatitis and pneumonia. It can also be used to treat irritability and other emotional problems, as well as alcoholism and eating disorders.

As the powder is combustible, it can be used in making fireworks and other explosives. When combined with air, it creates an explosive mixture. Lycopodium powder also has a long history of use as a flash powder. Before the advent of flashbulbs, photographers would use lycopodium powder to take a photo.

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